Bado/Badro Jabel is about 3000ft high, about 50 kms from Sehwan Sharif and 320kms from Karachi, the weather on the way was Hot but at the top it was quite pleasant.
It was an Adventurous trip with KAASians and PWers.
Storyline by Zain (Cheers@PW)
So it was new Moon again and we were thinking of getting beyond the pollution and stuff. Although KaAS and PWers had gone to savor starlight from the shadows of the Hingol mud volcanoes last month, many of us could not join due to various reasons. It was now two months for most of the bunch since the last time we saw the Milky Way, and we were all too eager to get under the stars again. Bado Jabel/Badhra/Badro Jabel was decided as the venue. We had already gone there twice in the winters. Now we wanted to see the summer Milky Way from there. We packed four telescopes in our rides, and twenty people were on their way to the Badhra Summit at 12pm on 7th May 2011. We dedicated this event and others to come this year to the Muslim scientist Abu Rehan Al-Beruni, to commemorate the completion of a thousand years of his phenomenal work. My poor writing skills cannot do justice to the diverse accomplishments of this master of mathematics, astronomy, physical and natural sciences, who also distinguished himself as a geographer, historian, chronologist and linguist. He is also considered as an impartial writer on custom and creeds of various nations and was given the title Al-Ustadh. He wrote 32 treatises on astronomy alone out of which, sadly, only 6 survive.