14th April 2012 - Ari Pir Dam - Koota Jabel - GHIK - Hanidan

Posted In : Balochistan, Travelogue
(added 06 May 2013)

14th April 2012 - Ari Pir Dam - Koota Jabel - GHIK - Hanidan

It was our first trip with Bashir Ahmed, He has traveled a lot in that area, he was our Guide for the trip. 

@Bashir Bhai
Thank you very much for your guidance, lunch, dinner and a million cups of tea.


Summer has come and it is not a good idea to travel in Balochistan and Sindh... Heat.
This was our last trip of the season, next trips will be when it rains, InshAllah 
Had lots of fun, the company was great.
Trip Details.
LC Prado
Bashir Ahmed and his friends.
1. Camran
2. Tabesh
3. Aijaz
1. Aqeel Baiq
2. Babur
3. Taimoor
4. Ali
5. Hanif Bhatti
Date: 14.4.12 
Odometer 0 - 7:10AM - Nursery, Karachi - Diesel 74.55Ltrs.(Pajero) 
Odometer 58 - 9:10AM - Rang Lohar - Tea 
Odometer 111 - 10:10AM - Hanidan Graveyard
Odometer 148 - 10:50AM - Dureji
Odometer 169 - 11:16AM - Dewana Shah
Odometer 194 - 1:10PM - Kota Jabel
Odometer 195 - 1:30PM - Leaving Kota Jabel
Odometer 220 - 2:22PM - Dewana Shah
Odometer 233 - 3:30PM - Ari Pir Dam
Odometer 339 - 6:35PM - Noorani Moor
Odometer 350 - 7:10PM - GHIK - Night stay. (Goth Haji Ismail Khan)
Date: 15.4.12 
Odometer 356 - 8:10AM - Leaving GHIK
Odometer 444 - 11:30AM - Home
More details : http://www.pakwheels.com/forums/road-trips-vacations/190421-ari-pir-koota-jabel-ghik-libra

(added 06 May 2013) / 22300 views

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