Haleji Lake.

Haleji Lake, situated at a distance of 89 km from Karachi on National Highway is a wildlife sanctuary for migratory birds.

It is an ideal refuge for wintering and home of thousands of birds and regarded as one of the most important wintering areas of migratory waterfowl in Eurasia.
It was a small salt water lake, which was converted by British Government into freshwater lake by constructing a feeding canal from River Indus during World War II.
The main water reservoir covers an area of 6.58 Sq. miles and the maximum depth being 17 feet.
Haleji Lake is a bird watcher's paradise. As many as 223 bird species have been recorded in the environs of Haleji Lake which include Osprey, Pallas's fish eagle, Buzzards, Harriers, Falcons, Wigeon, Coot, Shoveller, Pintail, Teals, Mallard, Heron, Jacana, Flamingos and sometimes Bewick's swan.
There are two islands known as Pelican Island and the other as Cormorant Island. These are resting places of birds which can be seen resting and enjoying the sun. There are marsh crocodiles too in here.
Haleji Lake is also one of the major sources of water supply to the increasing population of Karachi.
The best time to visit the lake is from November to February.

(added 10 Jun 2014) / 36662 views

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